Tag Archives: Prayer

The Rocky Path of Perfection

I was recently enrolled in my last class before graduating with a bachelor’s degree. It was an accelerated class that crammed an entire semester of work into an 8 week timeframe. I was typically spending 30 to 40 hours a week reading class materials, writing papers, participating in forums, and taking tests. It was a huge challenge but I loved it (plus, I had a tutor!). Then in the seventh week of class, it happened. Read the rest of this entry

Power of Hardships

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It’s been a long month. I’ve spent more than 4 weeks in a hospital setting, and many days laying in the ICU. As a quadriplegic, I am unable to move in the bed or get up and walk around, so lying completely still for days and days causes a lot of anxiety and depression. I feel like I want to jump out of my skin because I get so crazy. I was finally transferred out of the hospital but into another long-term acute care facility (LTAC). An LTAC is basically a step down hospital for people who are too sick to return home or back to a facility, but can’t stay in a real hospital. Read the rest of this entry

Thirst for God

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I have been feeling so down the past week or so and I can’t pinpoint why. I feel more sad than usual when I look around this facility and see people who are confused, lost, or feel left behind by their family and friends. I can tell there is something bothering me but I’m not sure what it is, so I’ve been praying about it and asking God to reveal it to me. Read the rest of this entry